Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jewelry Cleanings

     Here's a problem many people have with jewelry.  Most people know that every six to twelve months, your car needs to be inspected and any issues fixed.  In the same six to twelve month time frame, most people get checked up at the doctors office, and have their teeth inspected by their dentist, as well as several other things.  What many people don't know, is that your jewelry needs to be "checked up" every six months at least.  Depending on the piece of jewelry and the frequency of wear, six months is usually a minimum. 
      When jewelry is worn, it gets rubbed, bumped, jammed, dragged and smashed into things.  This wears down the metal, breaks prongs, chips gems and overall degrades the quality of the jewelry.  Not to mention how dirty it gets.  Prongs can get bent away from gems, losing them and increasing the chance they can fall out of their setting.
      Any time you bring your jewelry into Kaplans to be cleaned, we check all the prongs, clean all the dirt out and make sure everything is in top shape.  We'll also let you know if anything is starting to look like it's going to need some maintenance in the future. This can drastically increase the life of your jewelry, as well as cut down on the maintenance costs involved with fully repairing them.  We never charge to clean and check your jewelry, no matter where you bought it or how long you've had it.

-The Kaplans Fine Jewelry Staff


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